Tuesday, November 2, 2010

En 11 - Tuesday, 2 Nov

Please post a comment that expands on either Macbeth's or Lady Macbeth's character as it seems by the end of Act One.  Also, read Act II, scenes i-ii for next class.


  1. Lady Macbeth is very controlling and wants Macbeth to be king and is willing to do anything to get him to be. Macbeth is whipped

  2. lady macbeth almost seems crazy to me. she is determined to kill duncan. her plan doesnt seem like it is even going to work because what if the servants say anything? i believe that mabe she should think this over and make sure that she really wants to do this even what the consequences are.

  3. Lady Macbeth is very controlling. She wont let Macbeth give up his chance of being King, because it seems lke she really wants this for Macbeth. She tells him that she would do anything to achieve her goal. Including 'dash...{ing the brains out...' of a baby.. Not cool. I would not want to mess with her and her family...

  4. it seems that lady macbeth is bossing macbeth around and telling him that they should kill the king so that she can become queen and macbeth become king.

  5. Lady Macbeth attuitude seems to be changeing by the end of the sean, she seems almost wicked and decieving, because she wants to be "Lady Macbeth" She starts to get rude with Macbeth telling him hes a coward, but really her plan is to mak him feel worthless so he will make a change for the better so he can become king and rule.

  6. i think that lady Macbeth is seeming to be kind of psychotic and some what diabolical at planing the murder of Duncan even though Macbeth was thinking that he did not want to kill him lady Macbeth insisted that it would be the right thing to do.

  7. Macbeth is strong and powerful in many ways but following his own opinion is not one of those. He doesn't feel right with what he and his wife have planned out and when he admits this to her she convinces him otherwise. Macbeth is to nice to want to kill the king and steal the throne but to much of a chicken to not listen to his wife.

  8. Judging by some or most of what Lady Macbeth has said up to the end of act one has lead me to think that she is slightly psychotic...

  9. Lady Macbeth's true colours shine. She is a truly psychotic person that seems to really want to assassinate king Duncan. Poor, poor, Macbeth for having to come to a neutral decision of not assassinating the king, for it to be merely shot down and stomped on by the psychotic Lady Macbeth. He's realy in for it now.

  10. Lady Macbeth is a very interesting character. She has come across to be the one who "wears the pants in the relationship" if you will. She first thinks that Macbeth is too kind to be a King, then she taunts him about becoming one. So she comes up with a plan to kill Duncan, and make it look like someone else did it. (the chamberlins) Then look all surprised when everyone finds out, just so they don't look suspicious... I'm awaiting to see her next mischievious plan.

    P.S. nice spelling mistake.

  11. I think Lady Macbeth is really crazy and only wants Macbeth to be king because she could persaude him to do whatever she wants him to do...

  12. I find Lady Macbeth very demanding and acts higher then Macbeth himself. It's scary to know what she'll do, so that Macbeth can be king:S Lady Macbeth can shoot Macbeth down and persuade Macbeth to do what she wants.

  13. A lot of people seem to think Lady Madbeth is "crazy" and "demanding" but who would she be without Macbeth to boss around? He seems to let her... He does try to defend himself a little but he gives up much to easily. Where's his self defense? When she puts down his manhood why does't he stick up for himself? It seems to me that Macbeth is weak and impressionable which encourages Lady Macbeth with her aggressive behavior.

  14. Macbeth is a very two-sided character and we are continuing to learn a lot about him. He is a brave and courageous Thane; unfortunately he lets his desires take over. But also, his wife, Lady Macbeth, is dominant in their relationship, which is odd for those times. I agree with Madison, saying, "It seems ... that Macbeth is weak," in this area.

  15. I believe Macbeth is a bit of a pushover. You can see how he allows Lady Macbeth to walk all over him and control him. He may out his foot down, but he gives in as soon as she disagrees.

  16. I definitely feel that Macbeth needs to stand up for himself. You wouldn't think back in those days that a woman would be wearing "the pants in the relationship" as we would call it. Lady Macbeth has all the power and she knows very well that she can persuade Macbeth to do whatever. However this is not going to benefit Macbeth so he must grow some strength and make his own decisions and choices.

  17. Lady Macbeth is very controlling. when Macbeth says he doesn't want to do it she freaks out and kinda guilt trips him. She seams to be very good at that cause in the end he does end up doing it.

  18. Brave macbeth, is what they call him. And he may be that way on the battle field, but when against his wife he is defintely not so much. Lady macbeth has a control over macbeth that we've started to see in this part of the play.
    Even when he feels very strongly against somthing lady macbeth doesn't allow him to back out of the plan.
    Macbeth is a weak man when it comes to his wife.

  19. I beleive macbeth is a weak character because of how much confidence he lacks. like when he decides to kill duncan then tries to back out of it. and his wife tells him what to do constantly. I think macbeth needs to man-up and stop listening to his wife.
